Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Airplant blooming

I've had airplants for years and I think this is only the second time I've gotten them to bloom.  I purchased the one pictured below back in April of 2012. The blooming plant should be a variety of tillandsia ionantha. It did come with a tag but I no longer know which tag goes with which plant. I spray my plants frequently as it's ridiculously dry in the winter with the heat running. Once in a while I'll throw them in my aquarium. That way they'll get a good soak and fertilized with fish water. I can't wait until the weather gets warm enough to leave them outside. It's so much easier to spray them down with a hose and let rain water them. I miss summer! It's snowing out right now and that just makes me miss it more.

Update (2/5):
There are three blooms now. 

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Houseplant sale at Lyman Estate greenhouses

These are amongst the oldest greenhouses in the United States. They have some rare plants that are hard to find and have sales where u can buy them. Here are some pictures of their greenhouses.

These are the plants I got.

Vanda Robert's Delight Pink
The flowers on this are so impressive, this is the first plant that caught my eye.  The flowers are huge and so vibrant.  There seems to be a healthy amount of roots and they are long.  Unfortunately I don't think they will survive.  What I've read is that in humid places, the roots grow very long and thin.  In drier locations they are thicker to help retain moisture.  This seems to be true as I purchased a vanda a couple of years back.  All the new roots are significantly fatter then the original ones.  They are thicker then a pencil and some of the original thin ones are desiccated. Hopefully I can rebloom this.  I have never rebloomed a vanda but have gotten two keikis to grow last year.
Neostylis Lou Sneary 'Bluebird'
As you can see from the dried flower spike this one just finished flowering.  So hopefully I won't have to wait too long until the next bloom.  I also see at least three old cut spikes.  
Lc. Pure Soul 'Yutaka Morimoto'
There are two blooms.  Here's a picture of each of them.  There are two other sheaths, but I don't see anything in them.

Dendrochilum Bicallosum
There are some leaf tips that look burnt.  I'll trim them off to make the plan look cleaner.  I see 11 spikes and small growths that may be additional spikes!  The flowers cascade down in spirals and is supposed to have a unique creamy pale salmon color.
Crassula Morgan's Beauty
The succulent leaves look super cute and look at all those flower buds.  
Lifesaver plant
I have one of these already, but mine has a brown flower and I wanted one with the red 'lifesaver.'  The picture on the tag had a red flower so hopefully the tag is accurate.  The flowers are so bizarre they don't even look real.

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Rescue-able phal?

Can this phal be saved? I received this plant from someone who regularly throws away the orchids after they have bloomed. I didn't get a chance to take a picture before I cleaned it up. There were three other dried flower spikes I ripped off. There was a single remaining green one. And since the stem was rotted, all the leaves fell off. The leaves themselves didn't look bad but were connected to a mushy center. I'm hoping that I can get a basal keiki off the base of the spike because there is basically zero stem left.
The roots look ok. The majority are firm and I only cut off a small amount.

Update 01/28/2017:
Definitely very dead. There is black rot in the bast of the stem. 

Below shows my successful rescue although it doesn't look like it. I think this is the only orchid I've ever had which had crown rot. But it ended up growing a basal keiki. The basal turned into a full grown plant. So I've ripped it off and potted it leaving the original stem and roots. And you see that tiny green nubbin in between the roots? Another keiki.
Here is another angle. The keiki is on the right side.
After a couple of months there are a couple of small leaves. 
And here is the grown keiki that is in a four inch pot. It still needs to develop a stronger root system but the plant is just as big as all my other mature phals. 

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Pinguicula leaf propagation

I got a pinguicula during the MOS orchid show back in early November. You can see what it looked like when I purchased it in this post : MOS Orchid Show and More New Plants
Shortly after, I dropped the plant and the bottom leaves just flew off. The baby rosette also came off the mother plant. The leaves fell as if I dropped a deck of cards. I couldn't believe how fragile it was. I was actually concerned that I had killed it. I know people propogate them using leaf pullings so I thought I'd give it a try. I didn't think it'd work but I had nothing to lose. About two months later I have 6 leaves that rooted. So my clumsiness got me 6 new plants. The leaves are very thin and delicate. I'm pleasantly surprised and hope they grow quickly. Today I divided the little plants into three leaves to a pot. So I started with 1 plant and now I have 8!

Monday, January 2, 2017

Mounted staghorn fern

A while back I bought a tiny plant from the terrarium and fairy garden section of the nursery. I thought the foliage with tiny fuzz looked neat.  It had a generic tropical plant label, but I suspected it was a fern. It looks like there were a bunch of tiny plants crammed in a single pot. After a while, maybe several months later it developed a sterile frond so I confirmed it was some type of staghorn fern. I also decided to divide them so they have more room to grow and I get more plants. Yesterday I was at Michaels and was browsing around and found a wood plaque.  Staghorns are epiphytes so they  don't grow in the ground or soil. They grow on other plants like trees so these are often grown mounted.  I picked the piece of wood that had the most character.  It turns out that because of the "character" it was marked for clearance and sold "as is." All the others were a pale color and did not have much wood grain or markings. It was only 50 cents.

 This is the fern I selected to mount.
 I placed a little sphagnum moss and used some fishing line and a stapler to secure the plant.
I hope it will like it on the mount and grow quickly and attach itself to the wood.  I still need to add something to the back so I can hang it up.