Thursday, June 29, 2017

Phalaenopsis Princess Kaiulani 'Chin Yo'

Princess Kaiulani is a cross between amboinensis and violacea. The colors on the flowers are unreal. They're almost neon. I do like natural colors but the pictures of these flowers on the web are amazing. I haven't seen this orchid available in online nurseries so once I spotted it on eBay I jumped on it. I was nervous about buying an orchid on eBay, but the sellers ratings were good. I purchased it over the weekend. It was shipped Monday and I got it today. 
It was potted in sphagnum moss and I repotted it in bark and included a lot of styrofoam peanuts that came with the shipment. The pot is kinda of large for the orchid so I wanted to make sure drainage was excellent. 
It is supposed to be blooming size. There is no spike. I really want a flower! What are the chances I can get one this year? They are supposed to be summer blooming. I am also not sure if I should keep it outside. It will probably grow better with natural light but the it will be exposed to the elements. Inside it'll just get light from a window but be protected from pests. I have brought a bunch of other orchids outdoors. They are doing ok so I might give it a try outside. Wish me luck!

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I see your post is from almost 3 years ago, has your Phal PK Chin Yo flowered for you? I recognized the ID tag and it’s the same seller that I purchased mine from. We both purchased around the same time and mine still has not flowered??
