Saturday, October 22, 2016

New plant purchases!

I purchased a few plants today at an orchid sale. I got three orchids and a cactus.  I'm excited about the two paphs. These are my first ones. I also got a dendrobium, I already have one but this is my first den-phal.  And I got the cactus because I always wanted one that has huge blooms.  Unfortunately I hear they are shy bloomers.  Here are some pictures of new additions to my plant collection. 

Dendrobium Burana Sundae

Paph. (Makuli-CurtisII)-Maudiae x Paph. Maudiae 'Napa Valley' HCC/AOS x Sib

Paph. Supersuk 'Eureka' AM/AOS x Paph. Raisin Pie 'Hsinying') x Sib

Zig Zag cactus Selenicereus anthonyanus