Thursday, June 29, 2017

Phalaenopsis Princess Kaiulani 'Chin Yo'

Princess Kaiulani is a cross between amboinensis and violacea. The colors on the flowers are unreal. They're almost neon. I do like natural colors but the pictures of these flowers on the web are amazing. I haven't seen this orchid available in online nurseries so once I spotted it on eBay I jumped on it. I was nervous about buying an orchid on eBay, but the sellers ratings were good. I purchased it over the weekend. It was shipped Monday and I got it today. 
It was potted in sphagnum moss and I repotted it in bark and included a lot of styrofoam peanuts that came with the shipment. The pot is kinda of large for the orchid so I wanted to make sure drainage was excellent. 
It is supposed to be blooming size. There is no spike. I really want a flower! What are the chances I can get one this year? They are supposed to be summer blooming. I am also not sure if I should keep it outside. It will probably grow better with natural light but the it will be exposed to the elements. Inside it'll just get light from a window but be protected from pests. I have brought a bunch of other orchids outdoors. They are doing ok so I might give it a try outside. Wish me luck!

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

My first zygopetalum

The blooms on this plant aren't too amazing, but people always rave about the fragrance. And hey describe the scent as like a hyacinth which I love.  Usually the plants in stores don't smell to strong, but maybe that's just the stress of changing environments and the lack of sunlight. But I can smell it and it's very pleasant. Hopefully it'll be more intense as the blooms age. There are two spikes each with 4 flowers. The second spike hasn't opened yet but looks very close.   I got this at Trader Joe's. If you know the name of the orchid, please comment. The bulbs don't look great and are shriveled. But it was the only one there and I wanted to get something. It also has quite a few pseudobulbs. I count eleven which is quite high as there was an oncidium there that was just one big bulb. Hopefully this will do well for me. 

A couple of days later:  Two more buds opened. The new blooms have a fair scent. The lip is very wrinkly which I don't really like. The older books have the same problem but not as bad so I think they'll straighten out but not completely. 

Saturday, June 3, 2017

Another NOID succulent

I got a new plant today. It looks like one of those with strange out of this world flowers so I got it. I find the flowers intriguing. So we'll have to wait and see what the flowers look like as I don't know what this plant is. I've been aquiring quite a few lately and can't wait until they flower.

 These succuenlents have new growths that start anyware along the stems close to a spike. But there is a red growth in the center that looks like a flower bud rather then a new growth. I'm crossing my fingers.
Update: July12
Flower bud opening up. It is plain yellow with a dark center. I was hoping for a more unusual looking flower, but I'm happy it bloomed. 

July 17:
Flower is fully opened. It's textured and seems to be fuzzy. I don't detect any scent. If anyone knows the ID of this plant. Please leave a comment.